Braille Signage

For businesses seeking specialty signage, PBS Engraving proudly offers signage incorporating the Raster method of Braille. These braille signs are ADA compliant and are available in your choice of U.V. stable acyclic or metal.

RasterTM Method of Braille Signage (ADA Compliant)

The RasterTM Method of Braille (the Edgerton Method) is a licensed patented process. It provides perfectly rounded Braille that complies with the latest codes and standards. The RasterTM Method of Braille allows more flexibility in choice of sign materials. Rasters can be inserted into any material that can be drilled with precision. Use clear Rasters for practically invisible Braille, or use a contrasting colour and the Braille becomes a design element.


  • Meets all ADA requirements for dimension, spacing, dot height and shape
  • Meets all ANSI A117.1-1998 standards
  • Durable
  • Weatherproof in all environments
  • Attractive appearance
  • Rasters are available in a variety of colours and materials

Colours and Materials

Rasters are available in U.V. stable acrylic and metal. Colours include:

  • Black Acrylic
  • White Acrylic
  • Clear Acrylic
  • Stainless Steel
  • Brass